This was a Global Game Jam game made at Bergen Game Jam 2018.
We were a group of four people in a pre-assigned group to make a game in 48 hours. The theme for the Jam was "Transmission", And our take on the theme was to "steal" abilities from a coop player.
We were a group of four people in a pre-assigned group to make a game in 48 hours. The theme for the Jam was "Transmission", And our take on the theme was to "steal" abilities from a coop player.
Our artist is a beast in Pixel Art, so our graphical style leaned towards retro style textures. We however decided to merge the pixelated snes-style graphics with 3D to create a slightly more unique game.
In retrospect the design didn't work as well as we hoped, but the game do look stunning!
In this project my role was a Game Designer and Technical Artist. I did all graphical implementations and visual effects.
Download and additional info: